Saturday, December 26, 2009

Scholarships (to Study in Australia)

Endeavour Awards Program
The Endeavour Awards Program is an Australian Government initiative, bringing together under the one umbrella all of the Department of Education, Science and Trainings (DEST) international scholarships. Over the next five; years from 2007 to 2011, up to 10,000 scholarships will be offered as part of the Endeavour Programme. The Programme aims to bring high achieving students, researchers and professionals from the Asia-Pacific region and other regions to; Australia to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in a broad range of disciplines. It also encourages Australians to do the same abroad.
There are a number of Endeavour Awards which are applicable to international students who wish to pursue postgraduate coursework or research programs in Australia. These are:

* Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
* Endeavour Asia Awards
* Endeavour Europe Awards
* Endeavour Malaysia Awards
* Endeavour Turkey Awards